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Which way for Rwanda ? – The union starts a new Year as full World Rugby’s member, which means new possibilities, new resolution, new ideas. Jimmy Mugabo, Rwanda Rugby Federation’s CEO explained us which way they decided to take and how they would like to develop rugby in their country.
– You just joined World Rugby, what are your goals for 2016 ? Are they different from last year because you’re now a full member ? :
Our goals for 2016 are different but not much from last year’s and this year, we aim to develop the game in general, focusing on young talent through the LTPD as a player’s suitable path, this means to put effort at the Get Into Rugby program and increase the participation at the school levels so that we have a good players base.
– Does it change anything to be a World Rugby member ? More sponsors, credibility, possibilities ? :
To be a World Rugby member changes a lot because we will have more possibilities, this means the exposure of Rwanda Rugby within the region, continent and the world. We also hope that this will attract sponsors because they can also benefit.
– What kind of events would you like to have this year ? :
This year we will have different events including the National league, the 7’s series organized by different teams, we will host the Rugby Afrique division 2 south competition and we also would like to make the Genocide Memorial 7’s in June, an international tournament which attract some of our neighboring countries teams like, Burundi, Uganda, DRC, some teams from Kenya, Ghana, etc…
– What are you biggest priorities ? :
The biggest priorities is to increase the number of players at all levels, train and educate enough match officials, and coaches.
– What are you waiting from Rugby Africa & World Rugby ? :
What we are waiting is guidance, technical and financial support when necessary, and education and training.
– You just had a General Assembly, what did you decide for the future of your Union ? :
What we decide for the future of the Union is the team work between the administration of the Union and club members, good communication as well as good relationship with stakeholders, sponsors, donors, the media and rugby supporters and fans, good organization within clubs, and schools.