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Technical and match official training courses in Morocco – Sponsored by the ASS Sportive Arkmane Rugby, the technical and arbitral executives from the club and the area of Nador in the North of Morocco attended a two day training workshop. Several PE teachers as well as schoolteachers were also invited.
On Wednesday May 17th, World Rugby’s trainer Badre Misri delivered the training course for the technical executives from ASAR and from Lahdara Arkmane Nador. He was supervised by Rugby Africa RDO Mostafa Jelti.
On Friday May 19th, Badre Misri was joined by trainer Hassan Tirari, to conclude the workshop. This time it was intended to the arbitral executives from ASAR and Arkmane Nador as well as some teachers.
These two days first allowed Badre Msiri, accredited as trainer just 3 months ago, to train by practicing. For the interns, the values of rugby were emphasised. The basics of teaching methods were also distilled in our participants.
More than 87 coaches men and women took advantage of these training days. And in association with the Action GIR of Nador Plus, Get Into Rugby activities were offered to 750 U15 players from Lahdara, Arkmane, Wlade and Zaoui; together 499 boys and 255 girls.