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Have a look at the team sheets for the Final and ranking matches for the Rugby Africa Cup 2022.
The Final Namibia v Kenya will be the only game broadcasted, on the following channels:
Afrique Sub-Saharienne | Afrique du Sud | Kenya | Ouganda | Zimbabwe | Burkina Faso | Côte d’Ivoire | France |
Canal + Sport | SuperSport | K24 | NBS Sport | ZBC | RTB2 | RTI – La 3 | Canal + Sport |
For all other territories, no live streaming (Facebook, YouTube or will be offered for the matches. The rights have been acquired by the television channels and do not allow Rugby Afrique to broadcast the matches by its own means. On the other hand, the sending of live scores is ensured on the official channels: Facebook, Twitter Instagram. In addition to th scores, behind-the-scenes videos and exclusive interviews will be published.