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Strength and Conditioning in Lome – 10Then, the union and Charles together reviewed the union’s progress since their last assessment in 2016 with the intention to apply for World Rugby full membership in the new future. They also discussed at length the Get Into Rugby program.
In Togo, rugby develops mainly in the capital city and around, with 3 areas in the North.
15 men took part to this training, no women participated.
The NTD, vice-NTD, executive members, the vice-President, Sports Minister representative and the union’s chairman met with Charles to help him in his work.
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Togolese rugby had some difficult moments but it’s now well and truly begin to work. The union took the bet of development thanks to the Get Into Rugby program which is a success and allows many tournaments to take place.
A person in charge of the commission has also been put in place, with a new policy and a willingness to improve women’s rugby. Today, we count 4 teams of 7s rugby in the country and this season, 2 tournaments will be organised for them.
For the men, 12 senior teams are split in 2 divisions and participate each week in the championship, with 4 in division 1 and 8 in division 2.
The union gets a lot of help in its development mission from other entities sharing the same goals. “Togo en mêlées” and the NGO “Le MAREM”. These associations give a huge support to Togolese rugby by giving equipment : balls, bibs, rugby boots…
The national team is now actively getting prepared to take part in the Regional Challenge which will be played soon in Ghana.
The union has a group of 15 coaches who participate every year to the training organised with Rugby Africa and many young players are volunteers to lead the GIR locations.
“I was fascinated by the bin put all around the field during the tournaments for the children. Each one of them, after they had their snack naturally went to the bin to throw their rubbish in there. They also picked all the trash lying around on the field before they leaved. A nice way to learn rugby and respect of the environment” told Charles.