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The one-day tournament attracted six women’s teams
Women’s final
lions de fer women team 7 – 5 Ruhango catholic
Gs shyogwe 5- 14 Ruhango catholic
Lions de fer women team 22 – 0 Gs Munini
The one-day tournament attracted six women’s teams namely: Group scolaire shyogwe, Groupe scolaire Munini, Lions de Fer women’s team, Ruhango catholic, Lyce de Ruhango, Groupe scolaire Muhororo. Pool A consisted of Gs shyogwe, Groupe scoalire Munini and Group scolaire Muhororo, while pool B included: Lion de fer women’s team, Lyce de Ruhango, Ruhango catholic.
‘’We are very happy that we managed to win the Genocide Memorial tournament title in our debut appearance. Honestly, we played well and deserved to win this tournament‘’ said Lions team captain Uwase Marie Claire.
According to Kamanda Tharcisse the president of Rwanda Rugby Federation this tournament showed us great committement and potential of women’s playing rugby in Rwanda we are looking forward to increase tournaments to promote women’s Rugby in our country.
Meanwhile in partnership with friends of Rwanda Rugby (FoRR) Rwanda Rugby federation will organize International women’s Rugby seven’s which they are looking forward to invite some women’s teams from neighbouring countries.
Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Rwanda Rugby Federation (RRF).