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+ 20% of Licensees in 2019
PORT LOUIS, Mauritius, February 24, 2020 – The Mauritian Rugby Federation (Mauritius.Rugby) recorded strong growth in their numbers of licensees in this year 2019. One of the most active sports federations in Mauritius with double-digit growth, + 20% of licensees in 2019. The sports development policy implemented in 2017 is starting to bear fruit. The development of new clubs in Bel Ombre, Port Louis and Rodrigues are changing the map of rugby in Mauritius, the number of licensees is exponential each year. New regions are targeted with the horizon 2021 with an expansion in the South-East and the East of the country in collaboration with the ministry and private groups. In addition, the flagship clubs of Mauritius are growing thanks in particular to the creation of new junior female categories and to the focus on the young categories. Player safety has been reinforced with new rules, new rugby formats such as RugbyX, Quikrip and Fit Touch are conducive to the development of rugby among young people. There is a stronger transition to classic rugby with the help of its development tools. Record numbers are recorded in some clubs including Tamarin at the Western Cowboys club which becomes the number one club in terms of number of licensees.The awakening of Rodrigues
Rodrigues exceeds 100 members, a record figure for this new rugby region. 114 licensees in just 3 years. The Federation has multiplied actions and exchanges with the different regions of the island for 3 years including Rodrigues. The choice of preparation in Rodrigues for the Island Games was a strong signal sent by the Federation, a great tool for promoting rugby on the island with a Beach Rugby event where many people came to attend. Rodrigues’ participation in the domestic junior and senior championships has boosted the level and their number of players. The level increases considerably with each outing, to the point that 3 senior players were summoned to the national selection for the African XV Cup in Senegal last November. Rodrigues has also been invited to international tournaments on Mauritian soil, notably the Scott7s and the Visionsport Mauritius7s.
School as the basis of the 2024 program.
The school impact is colossal, this year all the Mauritian schools were affected, or 256 schools out of 256. This represents an increase of more than 290% over the past year. The establishment of rugby in the Mauritian and private school system is an opportunity in the democratization of this sport. Mauritius records a record number of 26,000 young people entered in rugby in 2019.a great step forward for Mauritian rugby.
Mauritius, an autonomous federation on World Rugby training.
For the first time, Mauritius is becoming autonomous in terms of training educators in the medical, coaching and arbitration fields. A real chance for a federation like Mauritius, which has been able to train its local educators in a world recognized World Rugby diploma, they will be able to officially train Mauritian educators throughout the year. The SuperWeek 2020 was a great success with in particular a record participation in Africa on medical training, more than 200 participants. Record figures in 2019 on medical training far ahead of major countries like Kenya as highlighted by Rugby Africa. The Federation has combined its forces with the Ministry and the organization of the Islands Games to train all of sports medicine on Mauritius before the major event of the Islands games in July 2019. Mauritius is on the way to becoming essential in terms of sports medicine in Africa.
Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Rugby Union Mauritius.