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Ludovic Cayre will be the referee for the Rugby Africa Cup 2022 Final at the Stade Maurice-David in Aix-en-Provence. The match officials were appointed by a selection committee chaired by Rugby Africa’s Match Offficals Manager, Mudiwa Mundawarara.
He will be assisted by referees Anthony Woodthorpe and Ben Blain, while Philippe Bonhoure has been appointed as TMO and Mudiwa Mundawarara as the Citing Commissioner.
The very first match of the day on Sunday 10 July will take place at 1pm between Senegal and Burkina Faso. This ranking match will be officiated by Nicardo Pienaar, assisted by Talent Gandiwa and Heykel Bahroun.
The second ranking match, Uganda and Ivory Coast will follow and kick off at 3pm. Victor Ojuku will be in the middle. Referees Precious Pazani and Talent Gandiwa will run the line.
The last ranking match of the day will start at 6pm, just before the final. It will see Zimbabwe take on Algeria. The main referee will be Aymen Jriji, assisted by Sylvain Mané and Nicardo Pienaar.
(Kick-offs CEST time)
Namibia – Kenya
Sunday 10 July – Stade Maurice-David, Aix-en-Provence (21:00)
Referee : Ludovic Cayre (Fra); Assistant referees : Anthony Woodthorpe (Ang), Ben Blain (Eco); Citing Commissioner: Mudiwa Mundawarara
(Kick-offs CEST time)
Senegal – Burkina Faso
Sunday 10 July – Stade Maurice-David, Aix-en-Provence (13:00)
Referee: Nicardo Pienaar (Nam); Assistant referees : Talent Gandiwa (Zim), Heykel Bahroun (Tun); Citing Commissioner : Nasser Bougja
Ivory Coast – Uganda
Sunday 10 July – Stade Maurice-David, Aix-en-Provence (15:00)
Referee: Victor Ojuku (Ken); Assistant referees : Precious Pazani (Zim), Talent Gandiwa (Zim); Citing Commissioner : Mudiwa Mundawarara
Zimbabwe – Algeria
Sunday 10 July – Stade Maurice-David, Aix-en-Provence (18:00)
Referee: Aymen Jriji (Tun); Assistant referees : Sylvain Mané (Sen), Nicardo Pienaar (Nam); Citing Commissioner : Bougja Nasser
Referees’ coach: Peris Mukoko
Referees’ coach for ranking matches: Heykel Bahroun