Regional Challenge – ...

Regional Challenge – West 1

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Regional Challenge – West 1 : First opportunity and first success for Ghana who has staged a tournament worthy of the biggest competitions. Ghana Rugby Union went out of its way to insure a quality tournament and brilliant hosting of of their opponents, Benin and Togo.

C’est donc à la suite d’une petite semaine de tournoi que le Ghana a pu soulever le trophée de la victoire suite à ses deux matchs remportés. Les terribles Ghanéens n’ont en effet laissé aucune chance à leurs voisins !

Following an intense week long tournament, and after securing two victories Ghana emerged as the winner of the competition. The Ghanaian didn’t leave anything to chance and gave no hope to their neighbors !


BENIN 14 – 12 TOGO

Outside the tournament, our teams took time to give back and spend time with the local communities. Thanks to program “RARC Legacy Project” set up by Ghana’s team, our players were able to share the values of rugby with the young ones. Between Get Into Rugby activities and rugby classes, children enjoyed fun filled days with their inspirational bigger brothers.

A very nice initiative in line with the fast growing development program in Ghana, thanks to a very determined union and involved chairman, Herbert Mensah.

To this stage, no ranking possible since the West 1 was only the first part of the Regional Challenge which is played in 4 parts. The West 2 will be played in May with Niger, Burkina Faso and Mali ; Center will be played in October with Burundi, DRC and Gabon and then, middle October will be the South with Lesotho, Malawi and Swaziland.