Marcel Martin and Viorel Mo...

Marcel Martin and Viorel Morariu

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It is with great regret that Rugby Africa informs you of the sad passing yesterday of two former World Rugby’s Council Members – Marcel Martin and Viorel Morariu.

Marcel Martin was the Fédération Française de Rugby representative to Council from the Annual Meeting in 1986 to the Interim Meeting in 1989 and from the Interim Meeting in 1991 to the Interim Meeting in 1996. During his time on Council Marcel acted as Honorary Treasurer and was one of the founding members of the Rugby World Cup.

Viorel Morariu, father of World Rugby Council Member and Rugby Europe President Octavian Morariu, was the FIRA-AER representative to Council from the Annual Meeting in 1996 to the Interim Meeting in 1999.  He made a major contribution to the work of growing the Game in Europe through FIRA-AER and also in his native Romania where he was National Coach and Federation President.

Abdelaziz Bougja, Rugby Africa’s chairman is deeply touched by the passing of these two actors of the rugby development. Mr Bougja was treasurer at FIRA at the time that Martin and Morariu were there. “I’m very sad of the passing of these two people but very grateful for all the work they have done. Rugby Africa and I send our deepest condolences to their families and friends.”

They will both be sorely missed.  May they rest in peace.


Credit : World Rugby