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Good bye Erick – It is with great sadness that we must inform you of the passing of Erick Situma on Monday 23rd of May at the age of 41 in Aga Khan Hospital in Nairobi.
Erick had been admitted at King Faisal Hospital in Kigali, Rwanda on Wednesday 18th of May. Rugby Africa and World Rugby organized his repatriation to Nairobi on Friday. Our thanks and gratitude go to Mr Alexander Araire President of the Rwandan Rugby Union who staid by Erick’ s side all along, supported his family and assisted in the process of repatriation.
Erick had been appointed since July 2013 as development officer by Rugby Africa. He did a tremendous work to grow the Game in his region of Eastern and Southern Africa and was well liked and respected by all those he worked with. He also worked to develop women’s rugby in the region and assisted in supervising Rugby Africa’s competitions wherever needed.
His dedication, professionalism and vision for the Game in Africa were inspiring. More than a colleague to our Rugby Africa’s team he was a true friend and indeed a brother, he will be missed sorely.
Our thoughts and prayers go to his wife Patricia, his four children and the rest of his family. We would like to express our heartfelt condolences to his family, his colleagues at Rugby Africa, World Rugby and the Kenyan Rugby Union as well as to all his closed ones.
Thank you Erick, may you rest in peace.