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Berthin in Mauritius – Island of sun, stunning beaches and…. Rugby! A breeding ground for rugby players, most of them local but also many expatriates give it a go. Berthin went there to conduct a review and assist in clarification in various areas before the Union’s elective General Assembly on 7 March.
A number of changes are expected in governance, administration and financial protocols and Berthin was there to ensure procedures were followed up. To perpetuate the continued development of the game there is no better program than Get Into Rugby.
The Ministry of Sport has divided the island in to four different areas: North, East, West and South. Patrice Francois, the Union GIR Co-ordinated together with Berthin were able to visit the many difference facilities available for children and also negotiate with schools to encourage them to play rugby in some of the public schools. These were very positive discussions with only one school not wishing to introduce the game. One of the biggest advantages for the GIR program is that schools and facilities are very well equipped; many of the infrastructure is worthy of some of the best in South Africa and have previously not been utilised to their full potential.
In addition to his management of the Get Into Rugby Program, our RDO had to wear his ‘Trainers’ Cap” and conducted a Level 2 VII’s training course for 8 interns including 3 girls and two PE teachers. One of the National Coahes also took the opportunity to upgrade his fifteen-a-side coaching certification to Level 2.
Berthin – a former Makis coach – also returned to the field for some training where he observed coaches and players from U12, U14, U16 and U18 as well as senior men and women.
It was the perfect opportunity to observe preparations of the National U18’s and the Women’s VII’s just prior to the AROI tournament which takes place in Madagascar in March.
From and administrative perspective, Mauritius Rugby Union still has some work do but are already well on the way to being on the right track. The Union does not yet have a National Technical Director, however following the General Assembly this should change; the Operational and Strategic Plan will be reviewed and efforts in all areas increased and consolidated.